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Points Ive Learned From Women Who Have Dumped Me - Smart Things

Hey, it sucks to end up being dumped. I know it, you know it. But I have to say that instead of crying in my beer or experience sorry for myself, I've used the experiences as a way to make myself such a great guy that I can get almost any woman I want. So , the things I've learned from women who have dumped me have helped me have more and better relationships, and this information can help you too.. if you listen to it.

I used to move crazy trying to figure out what to do to keep my lady happy. It seemed like no matter what I did it was the wrong thing. I was either as well nice, or too chilly. It just seemed I couldn't earn. Finally I got so fed up with being dumped all the time I went to an expert to find out what I was performing wrong. No, it's not who you think. I didn't go inquire a buddy for guidance I asked a woman. Smart, huh?

I figured most of my buddies didn't understand any more than I did, although I knew they'd never admit that. But a woman, who better to get into the female mind than someone who currently lived there? So I asked my female friend to give me some pointers, and I have to say the guidance was pretty good.

First off, as stupid mainly because this may sound, i has been told by her to avoid thinking about all women since the same person. I was told by her to take into account my friends. Each of them had different personalities, various things they enjoyed and didn't like. Hence, why in God's identity, was initially I lumping all ladies in the same category?

Not all females like chocolate or even to shop for sneakers. My 'advisor' described and when I lumped all women of all ages in to the same category not merely was it sort of demeaning to them; it was stupid also. If I didn't basically find out who my girlfriend had been and what she enjoyed how could I even understand if we liked exactly the same things?

Hence lesson one my friends, would be to avoid stereotypes of females at all costs. Take time to become familiar with any females you meet. Don't go into any partnership with preconceived expectations.

Lesson two, women and men aren't really all that different. We all just want someone who thinks we're the greatest thing on the planet. If you deal with your woman like that's how you believe of her, usually she'll treat you that way too. Then you both win. You are both getting the adoration you both want from the other. Everyone is happy.

Hey, I don't mean to oversimplify points but according to my expert, we generally make things more complicated than they have to be. So if you want to be delighted with the woman in your life use the points I ve discovered from women who have dumped me and adhere to my guidance. It works.

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